Good morning everybody!
I expect that you have been able to rest during the last Thursday, Friday and weekend!
In our last class (on 21st of April), we studied how medieval houses were and what people did in order to have fun.
Today, we are going to learn about culture, architecture and art during this period. You can read about it in pages 136 and 137 of your textbook.
Today, we are going to work on the vocabulary of this part of the unit. Please, copy on your notebook these words and listen to them:
CATHEDRAL: principal church of a diocese. It comes from the fact that the church contained the bishop's throne. (Catedral).
LONJA: building in which commercial transactions took place. (Lonja).
STAINED GLASS: pieces of coloured glass set in a lead framework and used especially in church windows. (Vidrieras).
ROSE WINDOW: circular window generally made of stained glass radiating to form a rose shape. (Rosetón. Tenéis un ejemplo en la imagen superior, con ese vidrio central en forma circular, siendo muy típico de las catedrales de estilo gótico).
FLYING BUTTRESS: arch that carries the pressure from a vault to the buttress. (Contrafuerte. Lo que hacen es sostener el peso desde las bóvedas hacia los extremos, de manera que el edificio pueda ser más alto).
PINNACLE: long pointed piece, usually decorative but also placed on top of a buttress to help stabilise it. (Pináculo. Es un elemento decorativo en la parte exterior de los edificios góticos, en forma piramidal o cónica).
TRANSEPT: part of the church that crosses the nave at right angles. (Transepto. Es la nave horizontal que cruza la nave principal).
TRIFORIUM: narrow gallery above the arches of the nave or transept, extending over the vaults of the side aisles. (Triforio, un "segundo piso" o galería que puede acoger a más feligreses dentro de las catedrales).
Here, you have an image of a transept:
CANVAS: material for painting on, normally made of cotton or linen. (Lienzo).
ALTARPIECE: work of art set on the wall above and behind an altar, which included sculpture and/or painting. (Retablo).
TEMPERA: technique in which colours are diluted in glue or egg yolk. (Témpera: es una técnica para pintar sobre el lienzo, donde los pigmentos se diluyen en pegamento o huevo para que perdure más y se fije mejor).
OIL PAINTING: technique in which colours are diluted in oil. (Pintura al óleo: en este caso, los pigmentos se diluyen en aceite, generalmente de oliva, para que se fijen en el lienzo. Es de las técnicas más utilizadas a partir del Gótico en adelante).
PORTRAIT: painting or drawing of a person, especially the face or head and shoulders. (Retrato).