Good morning everybody!
If you remember, last Tuesday we had started unit 7, Cities in the Medieval Europe.
Today, we are going to continue with this unit, so let's look for page 124 of your textbook. There is the chapter that talks about Political transformation.
As we have studied before, you know that in the 11th century appeared a new social group: the bourgeoisie.
This social group was specially dedicated to trade and craftwork, so its members became to obtain a lot of money. The problem was that bourgeoisie started to be the richest social group, but they did not have any political power. Why? Let's remember the pyramid of the estates of the realm:

The first one that appeared was in León in the year 1088. It is the most ancient parliament in Europe.
These were assemblies in which not only the privileged estates of the realm took part, but also the bourgeoisie. The last one group represented the urban population.
These assemblies were very usefull because the king could ask them for help, for creating new taxes, for establishing new laws, recuitment of troops or for advice.
Now that you know what cortes and parliaments were in the past, write in your notebook (in 5 lines more or less), what differences you can find between medieval parliaments and our modern Spanish Parliament.